Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2016

Day 3/4 Monday/Thuesday - Host Families

Some things can not be explained by words only. The everyday life  in germany, or every other country, is one of these. Last year when we scouts from Passau visitet Mpumalanga I realised this. It is not the same being a tourist, or living with a family.
Our southafrican guests experienced this the last three days. They spent the family-life together with six amazing host families. Thanks to you, scouts from Winhöring, Kirchdorf, Vilshofen and Hauzenberg. Your shared your life and I hope you have a lot of unforgettable memories of this special time.

What did you do together? Write about your adventure in the comments! I´m excited. :-)

Greetings and be prepared!

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